Units Explained…

When I refer to units, the total sum of the unit is up to you! I would never presume to tell you how much to bet so I use units to cater to everybody’s betting appetite. 1 unit for Joe might be $100.00, while Blow’s unit is $10.00.

LibbyTips refers to the betting units in the following formula.

eg. Race 7 No 4 Ollie’s Secret 1x4 units at $6.50/$2.35 and 0.25 x 1.75 units @ Best Tote + SP (Win/Place)

Breaking down this formula is as follows.

1x4 units are 1 unit on to win at $6.50 and 4 units on to place at $2.35 FIXED ODDS and then,

0.25 Best Tote + SP Win and 1.75 Middle Tote the place.

See how this example would play out for a $10 UNIT

If you need more help understanding reach out and let me know. I’m always here to help.